If you have a child who has not undergone a circumcision procedure yet, then it is important to know how to properly care for their penis.
An uncircumcised penis requires a bit more attention than one that has been circumcised, but it is not difficult to care for.
This article will discuss the basics of caring for a child’s uncircumcised penis.
Care For An Uncircumcised Baby
If you have chosen not to circumcise your son, that’s okay! But it’s important to keep your baby’s penis clean to prevent any infections.
Some ways to clean an uncircumcised penis include:
Gently Washing the Penis With Soap and Water Every Day
Generally, babies at birth, don’t have their foreskin pulled back yet. In this case, simply wash only the outside of the penis during bath time or a diaper change.
Don’t try to force the foreskin back as it may cause severe pain or bleeding.
Once your kid grows older, their foreskin separates naturally from the tip. As soon as it does, it’s important to clean beneath to remove smegma.
Smegma refers to the accumulated dead skin cells, urine, oils, and other body fluids, and is perfectly normal.
Cleaning beneath the foreskin is important to reduce the risk of urinary tract infection.
Teach your kids to gently pull the foreskin back and gently wash the area with warm water and mild soap. Make sure to clean underneath and rinse properly before pulling the foreskin back to the head of the penis.
Pulling it back to the head of the penis is important to prevent paraphimosis, a condition in which the foreskin remains in the retracted position and may cause swelling. If this happens, make sure to seek emergency medical aid.
Keeping the Area Dry
Make sure the area is completely dry before putting on underwear or doing diaper changes to prevent irritation. Use a soft towel to dry any excess moisture.
Using Unscented Lotion or Petroleum Jelly
Applying unscented lotion or petroleum jelly helps prevent the skin from sticking to your baby’s diaper. Doing this also helps prevent irritation.
Talk to Your Doctor
If you notice that your baby’s urine comes out in only a trickle, it’s best to consult the doctor. You can also talk to them if you have other questions or concerns about your uncircumcised baby.
Will My Son’s Foreskin Pull Back on Its Own?
Yes, eventually, foreskin retraction will happen naturally. This is called foreskin retraction. By the time he’s about 3 years old, his foreskin begins to become loosened enough that it can be pulled back easily from the head of the penis.
Retraction is not something that you can expect at the same time for all boys, sometimes it doesn’t happen until kids are in their teenage years. Once the it begins to retract, it will be easier to pull the foreskin back without your child experiencing severe pain.
Some boys are born with a condition called phimosis, which means that their foreskin is too tight to be pulled back. This is usually nothing to worry about and will resolve on its own as they get older. If you’re concerned, talk to your child’s doctor.
What Is Circumcision and Why Is It Performed?

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, which is the skin that covers the tip of the penis. It is usually performed on newborn boys for religious or cultural reasons but can be done at any age.
Although it is a relatively simple procedure, it carries some risks, such as bleeding and swelling.
In a study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, they concluded that the benefits of circumcision outweigh the risk it poses.
What Are the Benefits of Circumcision?
There are many benefits of circumcision. These include:
Reduced Risk of UTIs
Circumcision decreases the number of places where bacteria can grow, which reduces the risk of UTIs. This is because the foreskin is a common place for bacteria to grow. Once it is removed, there are fewer places for bacteria to hide.
Reduced Risk of STDs
The foreskin can also trap viruses and bacteria, which increases the risk of STD transmission. Circumcision removes this barrier, which reduces the risk of STDs.
Improved Hygiene
Improved hygiene is another benefit of circumcision. This is because the foreskin can make it difficult to clean the penis properly.
What Are the Complications That Could Arise Due to Circumcision?
Infections result from the incision site not being kept clean or using unsterilized instruments during the procedure. Infections can cause fever, redness, and swelling at the site and should be treated with antibiotics.
If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor right away so that they can prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Skin Bridges
Skin bridges occus when the healing process is not completed properly and the foreskin grows back together with the rest of the skin on the penis.
Meatal Stenosis
Meatal stenosis or narrowing of the urinary opening is another potential complication that is more likely to occur in those who are circumcised. This can lead to difficulty urinating and an increased risk of UTIs. With proper care, however, this is avoidable.
Parents who get their kids circumcised must take extra care to clean the incision site and avoid using any unsterilized instruments during the healing process.

How to Care for a Newly Circumcised Toddler?
The care for a newly circumcised child is very important. The main thing you need to do is keep the area clean and dry. This means that you should:
This means that you should:
- Gently wash the area with warm water and soap every day.
- Apply petroleum jelly to the incision site to help it heal.
- Avoid giving your son a bath for at least 24 hours after the procedure.
- See a doctor immediately if you notice any bleeding, redness, or swelling at the site. These could be signs of infection and should be treated as soon as possible.

With proper care, they should heal quickly and without any complications.
Is the Circumcision Process Uncomfortable?
Unfortunately, yes. The circumcision process is uncomfortable, but procedure itself only takes a few minutes.
Your child will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area. This will help to reduce any pain and discomfort during the procedure. Afterward, he will likely feel some soreness and discomfort for a few days. This is normal and will gradually subside as he heals.
To help reduce discomfort, you can give your child over-the-counter pain medication such as Ibuprofen. You should also apply a topical ointment to the incision site to help soothe any pain and inflammation.
When Should My Son Be Circumcised?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. It is a personal decision that parents must make for their sons. Some families choose to circumcise their sons shortly after birth, while others wait until they are older.
Parents must remember that a baby’s penis is very small, so it might be hard to care for a baby’s penis after circumcision.
The advantages of having your kids circumcised shortly after birth include the following:
- Lesser risk of complications
- The healing process is quicker
On the other hand, there are also advantages to waiting until your child is older to circumcise him. These include:
- Kids can make their own decisions.
- The procedure will be less traumatic since he will be old enough to understand what is happening.
- He will be able to care for himself after the procedure since he is older.
Taking care of your baby’s uncircumcised penis is important to prevent an infection. Just make sure to do it properly to prevent any accidents, and teach your kids once they get older.
Circumcision comes with risks and benefits, but as the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended, the benefits outweigh the risks. However, it’s up to you to have your uncircumcised baby undergo the procedure.
Just don’t forget to consult with your doctor before making any decisions.
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