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5 Essential Yoga Poses to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey but can bring challenges and discomfort. Practicing prenatal yoga can provide numerous benefits for expectant mothers, from physical relief to emotional well-being. However, being mindful of specific yoga poses that could harm you and your growing baby is essential. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten critical yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy and provide safe alternatives to ensure a healthy and enjoyable experience.

The Importance of Prenatal Yoga

Practicing prenatal yoga can help reduce the chances of having prenatal issues and low birth weight babies and alleviate pain and stress. However, certain yoga poses should be avoided or modified during pregnancy to ensure safety and comfort.

Knowing which yoga poses should be avoided is essential as they can place undue stress on the abdomen, twist the organs, or restrict blood flow to the uterus. For instance, Boat Pose should be avoided during the first trimester due to abdominal compression and restricted uterine blood flow.

So, how can you continue your yoga journey while keeping you and your baby safe? Read on to discover the poses to avoid and alternatives for a safe prenatal yoga practice.

Understanding Your Body’s Limits

During pregnancy, it’s essential to be in tune with your body and comprehend its limitations, especially when engaging your abdominal muscles. Overstretching can be risky due to the hormone relaxin, which increases ligament flexibility. Overdoing abdominal work can exacerbate abdominal separation and prolong healing. At the same time, weaker core muscles can cause instability and increase the risk of falling out of a pose and hurting yourself or your baby.

Your balance will naturally shift as pregnancy advances, making certain poses more challenging. Adapting these poses and using props or support to maintain stability and ensure safe practice becomes necessary. Now, let’s dive into specific yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy and their safer alternatives.

Pose 1: Boat Pose

Boat Pose is a challenging pose that engages the abdominal muscles, but it should be avoided during pregnancy due to its strain on the core. Practicing Boat Pose can put unnecessary pressure on the abdomen, which is unsuitable for expectant mothers. Other poses that exert pressure on the stomach, such as Camel Pose and Bow Pose, should also be avoided during pregnancy.

Instead of putting your body and baby at risk, consider practicing safer alternatives that provide similar benefits without the potential harm. Let’s explore a gentler pose that can be practiced during pregnancy without straining the core.

Alternative: Supported Seated Forward Bend

Supported Seated Forward Bend is an excellent alternative to Boat Pose and Chair Pose, providing a gentle stretch without stressing the core. This pose is safe for pregnant women as it helps stretch the hamstrings and calves, relieves upper body tension, and even alleviates headaches.

To perform Supported Seated Forward Bend, or Angle Pose, sit on your mat with your legs extended out and place a bolster or stack of blankets between your legs for support. Inhale and lengthen your spine; gently lean forward from your hips, maintaining a primarily neutral spine. Hold the pose for a few breaths, focusing on increasing your spine and relaxing your upper body.

Practicing Supported Seated Forward Bend allows you to enjoy a good stretch while prioritizing your and your baby’s safety and comfort.

Pose 2: Deep Backbends (Cobra, Upward Dog)

A pregnant woman in cobra and upward dog poses

Deep backbends like Cobra and Upward Dog should be avoided during pregnancy to prevent lumbar spine imbalance and abdominal strain. While these poses can help mobilize and strengthen the lumbar spine muscles and engage the core for stability and support, they can also cause discomfort and potential harm to pregnant women.

Instead of practicing deep backbends, consider a gentler alternative that provides spinal movement without overstretching or causing discomfort.

Alternative: Gentle Cat-Cow Stretch

The Gentle Cat-Cow Stretch is a perfect alternative to deep backbends, offering spinal movement without overstretching. This pose can help ease back pain and keep your spine flexible during pregnancy. To perform the Gentle Cat-Cow Stretch, follow these steps:

  1. Start in a tabletop position with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

  2. Inhale and lift your chest and tailbone, letting your belly drop for the Cow pose.

  3. Exhale and round your back, tucking your chin towards your chest and drawing your belly in for the Cat pose.

  4. Continue this gentle flow, matching your breath with the movement of your spine.

Incorporating the Gentle Cat-Cow Stretch into your prenatal yoga routine can help maintain spinal mobility without the risk of injury or discomfort. Now, let’s move on to another pose to avoid and its suitable alternative.

Pose 3: Handstand and Inversions

Handstands and other inversions are best avoided during pregnancy due to the risk of falling and straining the core. As your center of gravity shifts during pregnancy, balance becomes more challenging, increasing the likelihood of falling and causing harm to both you and your baby. It’s best to stick to other yoga poses that are safe and beneficial for pregnant women.

Alternative: Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose

A woman practicing the Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose, which is one of the yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy

Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose is a fantastic substitute for inversions, offering relaxation and a gentle inversion effect without the danger of falling. This pose can help reduce leg swelling, improve circulation, and relieve lower back pain. To perform Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose, sit on the floor facing a wall and lie on your side, rolling onto your back and stretching your legs up against the wall. Adjust your position so your sit bones are against the wall, and your legs are vertically above you. Relax and breathe deeply while holding the pose for several breaths.

Practicing Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose allows you to enjoy the benefits of inversions without jeopardizing your or your baby’s safety.

Pose 4: Closed Twists (Revolved Side Angle)

Closed twists like Revolved Side Angles should be avoided during pregnancy to prevent abdominal and organ compression. Twisting the torso too much can put pressure on the belly, potentially straining the muscles and ligaments. It’s important to prioritize the safety and comfort of both mom and baby during pregnancy.

Alternative: Open Twist (Easy Seated Twist)

A pregnant woman in easy seated twist pose

Open twists like Easy Seated Twist are safer than closed and deep twists during pregnancy, providing gentle spinal rotation without compressing the belly. To perform Easy Seated Twist, follow these steps:

  1. Sit comfortably on your mat with crossed legs.

  2. Inhale and lengthen your spine.

  3. Exhale and gently twist your torso to one side, using your opposite hand on your knee for support.

  4. Hold the pose for several breaths, focusing on lengthening your spine and opening your chest.

Practicing open twists like Easy Seated Twist helps maintain spinal mobility without the risk of injury or discomfort. As we approach the end of our list, let’s discuss the final pose to avoid during pregnancy and its alternatives.

Pose 5: Hot Yoga

Hot yoga, a practice performed in a hot and humid environment, should be avoided during pregnancy due to the risk of overheating, dehydration, and potential harm to the fetus. Dehydration from hot yoga can be risky for pregnant women, potentially causing overheating, fainting, and even heatstroke. It’s crucial to stay hydrated before, during, and after hot yoga classes, but it’s generally not recommended for pregnant women to participate in hot yoga due to the risks involved.

Alternative: Room Temperature Prenatal Yoga

A pregnant woman in room temperature prenatal yoga poses

Room-temperature prenatal yoga classes are a safer alternative to hot yoga, offering a comfortable environment for pregnant women. These classes provide numerous benefits, such as:

  • reducing stress

  • alleviating pain

  • improving physical health

  • promoting better sleep

  • fostering a connection with the baby

The poses practiced in room-temperature prenatal yoga may be similar to those in hot yoga, but the intensity and environment are more suited to the needs of expectant mothers.

Participating in room-temperature prenatal yoga allows you to reap the benefits of yoga practice while ensuring a safe and comfortable experience.

Adapting Your Practice for Each Trimester

As you progress through your pregnancy, it’s essential to adapt your yoga practice to accommodate the changes in your body and ensure safety and comfort. Modifying poses and practice during pregnancy can help prevent injuries and discomfort while providing prenatal yoga’s physical and mental benefits.

Utilize props, such as:

  • tennis balls

  • resistance bands

  • bolsters

  • blankets

  • blocks

to support and modify your prenatal yoga poses. Also, avoid pranayama techniques involving breath-holding and focus on gentle and relaxed breathing techniques.

Adapting your practice for each trimester allows you to continue enjoying the benefits of practicing yoga while ensuring a safe and comfortable experience for both you and your baby.

Utilizing Props and Support

Incorporating props and support into your prenatal yoga practice can help modify poses and provide stability for a safer experience. Yoga blocks can be used in specific poses between your thighs or knees to help with pelvic stability and strengthen the hip adductor. They can also be used as a prop for restorative poses or to provide a comfortable and stable base for postures.

Bolsters and cushions can be used in various ways during prenatal yoga, including:

  • Supporting your back during savasana or other restorative poses

  • Providing comfort and support for your lower back when sitting

  • Offering extra support during relaxation poses by hugging it between or under your legs

Utilizing props and support during prenatal yoga ensures a safe and enjoyable practice that accommodates the changes in your body and caters to your needs throughout pregnancy.

Tips for a Safe Prenatal Yoga Practice

Following specific guidelines and tips is crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable prenatal yoga practice. Avoid overstretching, as the hormone relaxin can make your joints and muscles more flexible during pregnancy, increasing the risk of injury and muscle damage. Be mindful of your body’s limits and modify poses to prevent strain on the abdomen and ensure safety and comfort.

Using props like:

  • tennis balls

  • resistance bands

  • bolsters

  • blankets

  • blocks

It can help support and modify your prenatal yoga poses, making your practice safer and more comfortable. Following these tips and practicing safely allows you to enjoy the numerous benefits of prenatal yoga while ensuring a healthy and comfortable experience.


In conclusion, prenatal yoga can provide numerous benefits for expectant mothers, but it’s essential to be mindful of the poses to avoid during pregnancy. Understanding your body’s limits, adapting your practice for each trimester, and utilizing props and support can create a safe and enjoyable prenatal yoga experience. Embrace the journey of pregnancy and yoga, nurturing both your body and your growing baby while prioritizing safety and comfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Downward Dog OK when pregnant?

Downward Dog is generally considered safe for pregnant women, as indicated by research and the positive experience of many moms-to-be.

What yoga poses are not safe during the first trimester?

It is recommended to avoid intense backbends, twists, forward bends, and poses that involve abdominal contractions or put pressure on the belly during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Can I do Upward Dog while pregnant?

Upward Dog is generally safe until late in your pregnancy, but you may find that the size of your stomach prevents you from completing a vinyasa sequence.

What are the benefits of prenatal yoga during pregnancy?

Prenatal yoga can help reduce the chances of prenatal issues, lower the risk of low birth weight babies, and alleviate pain and stress during pregnancy.

Why should Boat Pose be avoided during pregnancy?

Boat Pose should be avoided during pregnancy as it places strain on the core and can cause potential harm to the baby.

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