It can be tough to decide when to stop using bassinet. When is your newborn baby ready to move onto a big kid’s bed? No one answer fits everyone, but there are some general guidelines you can follow.
This blog post will discuss when it might be time to stop using a bassinet and transition your child to a bigger bed. We’ll also provide some tips for making the switch as smooth as possible!
What Are the Benefits of Letting Your Baby Sleep in a Bassinet?
There is no denying that a bassinet has its benefits. Let us explore some of them:
Convenient for You and Baby
When your baby is first born, you will spend a lot of time feeding them, changing their diapers, and just holding them. A bassinet allows you to have your baby close by in the same room without lugging around a full-sized crib.
Good for Small Spaces
A bassinet can be a lifesaver if you live in a small home or apartment. It takes up much less space than a crib, making it the perfect solution for cramped quarters. Room sharing is more convenient with a bassinet.
A Safe Sleep Space for Your Baby
When used correctly, a bassinet can provide a safe and comfortable sleep space for your baby. When starting out, you may want to invest in a bassinet with features like covered sides and a firm mattress.
However, you should stop using a bassinet when your baby starts rolling, or your baby’s weight exceeds the weight limit of the bassinet. At this point, you should let your baby stop sleeping in a bassinet.
Helps Your Baby Adjust to Sleeping Alone
If you want your baby to sleep in their own room eventually, a bassinet can help them get used to sleeping alone. By starting out in a bassinet, they will become accustomed to sleeping in their own space and be less likely to cry when you transition them to their own room.
Just make sure to maintain a consistent bedtime routine to transition the baby more effectively.
Even though parents prefer bassinets, there are also a few key reasons why you may want to consider transitioning your baby out of their bassinet sooner rather than later. We will discuss these reasons in more detail below.
So, When To Stop Using Bassinet?

Your baby can’t sleep in a bassinet forever. You need to be able to identify the signs that it’s time to make the switch to a crib. Here are some things to look for:
When Your Baby Can Sit Up Unassisted
Once your baby can sit up unassisted, it’s time to say goodbye to the bassinet. This milestone is usually reached around the six-month mark, but every baby is different.
You might be wondering why sitting up is such a big deal. The simple answer is that it’s a safety issue. When your baby can sit up on its own, they’re at a higher risk of tipping over and falling out of the bassinet.
Many babies learn to sit up sooner rather than later, which means that a new sleep space should always be ready to avoid things like sleep-related death in babies.
When Your Baby Starts To Roll Over
Rolling over is another milestone that signals it’s time to switch to a crib. This usually happens around the same time as sitting up, but some babies start rolling earlier. As with sitting up, rolling over is a safety issue.
When your baby can roll, they’re at a higher risk of falling out of the bassinet. Many parents tend to fall asleep as soon as their babies sleep, which can lead to accidents where a baby falls because of rolling over.
When Your Baby Is Getting Too Big For The Bassinet
Eventually, your baby is going to outgrow the bassinet. When this happens, it’s time to make the switch to a crib. After all, you don’t want your baby to be cramped and uncomfortable.
A good rule of thumb is to switch to a crib when your baby reaches the bassinet’s weight limit or when your baby can no longer lie down flat in it.
What Are the Dangers of Using a Bassinet Even When Your Baby Has Outgrown It?

It’s never a good idea to continue using a bassinet even when your baby has outgrown it. The dangers of doing so include suffocation, entrapment, and falls.
Suffocation occurs when a baby’s nose and mouth are covered by an object and the baby is unable to breathe. When babies sleep in bassinets that are too small, they can easily roll over onto their stomachs or sides, and their noses and mouths can become covered by bedding.
This can lead to suffocation. Stuffed animals and loose blankets are suffocation hazards, which means that they should stay within the baby’s sleep space.
Entrapment occurs when a baby’s head becomes wedged between the bassinet bars, and they cannot move. When this happens, the baby can suffocate and die.
To prevent entrapment, always keep an eye on your baby while they are in the bassinet. If you notice them getting too close to the edge, or if their head becomes wedged between the bars, immediately remove them from the bassinet and call for help.
Babies are also at a higher risk of falling out of bassinets. This is because they are not yet able to sit up or crawl out on their own.
If you are using a bassinet that does not have sides that come up high enough, your baby could easily fall out. Therefore, it’s very important to make sure that the bassinet you are using has high sides.
Another reason why babies might fall out of bassinets is that they are often placed on an elevated surface. This means that if your baby moves around a lot in their sleep, they could easily roll off the bassinet and onto the floor.
To prevent this from happening, it’s essential to make sure that the bassinet is not placed on a high surface.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
There is also a concern that babies who sleep in bassinets are at a higher risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). This is because bassinets often have soft sides and pillows, which can block an infant’s airway. SIDS is a leading cause of death in babies under one year old, and it is important to reduce the risk.
If you are using a bassinet, it is important to be aware of the risks and take precautions. Always place your baby on their back to sleep, and use a firm mattress.
Remove pillows, blankets, and toys from the bassinet, and do not let your baby sleep with a bottle or pacifier. Be sure to keep the bassinet in a safe place, away from hazards such as stairs or sharp corners.
You should also stop using the bassinet when your baby is too big. Most bassinets are only meant for babies who weigh up to 15 pounds. When your baby reaches this weight, it is time to switch to a crib. Consider switching to a crib sooner if your baby seems cramped in the bassinet or is able to sit up on their own.
In general, it is best to use a bassinet for only a short period of time. Once your baby outgrows the bassinet, it is time to move on to a crib. This will give your baby more space and allow them to sleep safely.
Making The Switch To A Crib

Making the switch from a bassinet to a crib is a big deal for both you and your baby. It’s the first time your little one will be sleeping in their own bed, in their own room, and it can be a big adjustment for both of you. Here are a few things to keep in mind when making the switch:
You Know Your Baby Best
When you feel like they’re ready to make the switch, they probably are. You know your baby best, and you’ll be able to tell when they’ve outgrown their bassinet. They may start trying to sit up or stand in it, or they may start sleeping for longer stretches at night and taking naps in their crib during the day.
The Crib Will Be More Comfortable
A crib is a bigger bed, and it will be more comfortable for your baby to sleep in. They’ll be able to stretch out and move around more, and they won’t feel cramped like they might in a bassinet.
It’s Okay to Be Sad
It’s normal to feel a little sad when your baby makes the switch from a bassinet to a crib. After all, it’s a big milestone and it marks the end of the newborn phase. But try to focus on the positive – your baby is growing and changing, and you’re one step closer to them being a big kid!
How To Choose The Right Crib For Your Baby

Now that your baby’s bassinet days are coming to an end, it’s time to start thinking about making the switch to a crib.
Here are a few things to keep in mind as you begin your search for the perfect crib for your little one:
When it comes to cribs, size definitely matters. You’ll want to make sure that you choose a crib that is the right size for your baby’s needs. A crib that’s too small won’t provide your baby with enough room to sleep comfortably, while a crib that’s too large can be unsafe.
The material of the crib is also important to consider. Some parents prefer wooden cribs because they’re more durable and sturdy. Others prefer metal or plastic cribs because they’re lighter and easier to move around. Whichever material you choose, ensure it’s durable and won’t break easily.
Of course, the most important thing to consider when choosing a crib is safety. Make sure that the crib you select meets all of the safety standards the Consumer Product Safety Commission sets. Also, check if the crib has been recalled by checking the CPSC’s website.
Cribs come in various styles, so you’re sure to find one that suits your taste. Some parents prefer traditional, classic cribs, while others prefer more modern designs. There are also convertible cribs that can be used as a bassinet, toddler bed, or daybed, which is perfect for growing families.
Once you’ve considered all of these factors, you should be well on finding the perfect crib for your baby. When in doubt, always consult with your child’s pediatrician to ensure that you’re making the best decision for your little one.
As a parent, you must know when to stop using a bassinet for your baby. It is never too late to switch to a crib or bed.
You might want to keep your baby in the bassinet for a few extra weeks or months because it is convenient, but ultimately, you should make the decision based on what is best for your child’s safety and development.
Your priority should always be your child’s safety and well-being, so keep that in mind when making your decision.
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