When do babies start crawling? It’s a question that many parents ask themselves all the time. And there’s no easy answer since every baby is different. Other babies learn to crawl at six months old, while others don’t crawl until they’re a year old, and it’s perfectly normal.
So, when your little one starts crawling is entirely up to them because babies have different crawling styles. But you can do a few things to help encourage them along. Keep reading for some tips on how to help your baby learn to crawl and eventually sit upright.
The baby is a work in progress. Babies tend to start crawling around the 9-month mark, while others take their sweet time putting four on all fours before they can walk or run.
Not only does every child have different developmental milestones, but there’s no single typical pattern for how fast the baby’s development happens during each stage of life. They may be early or later crawlers, and it’s okay.
What are the different crawling styles?

Depending on your circumstances, there are various ways babies crawl. Also, there are different crawling styles, some more efficient than others. Let’s take a look at each of these types:
Commando crawling – When babies start crawling, they will most likely use their hands and arms for creeping. In this position, you can see that the little one is keeping their belly down on all fours while pulling themselves along with short legs. It is also known as the ‘belly crawl.’
The bottom scoot – You may have seen your baby crawl by sliding their bottom along the floor with its well-cushioned surface. This method uses both hands and feet to pull themselves forward while using their legs as leverage.
Classic crawl – In the classic crawl, you will see the infant slowly pushing up on its hands and knees, moving forward by alternating which leg or arm they use to move each time their opposite side is pushed off a surface.
The roll – Your baby may rock back and forth in an attempt to crawl, but don’t worry. It’s a normal part of the process. Your little one will get into forwarding motion eventually at their own pace.
The tripod crawl – When the baby moves, it’s like watching a theater performance. The hands and knees do significant work while one leg rests between them.
The bear crawl – As they walk, most babies waddle with hands and feet. Their butt is in the air like it’s alluring for you to grab onto it as if their body were a toy.
The leapfrog – In this type, many babies begin to get into a hands-and-knees bridge pose and move by thrusting themselves forward.
The crab crawl – The frustratingly opposite effect of the baby’s intended action is that the baby crawls using their arms to push themselves backward or sideways instead of forward.
How do you get your baby to crawling age?

Rocking the baby back and forth can be an excellent way to help them learn how to move around during the crawling stage. Once on all fours, anchor your hands behind their feet so you are holding up their weight while they rock in place.
Stand up with a few feet between the two of you and the baby. Wave your hands excitedly in front of them, call out their name or make animal noises to get their attention – whatever works!
Encourage them by saying phrases like “come on” while waving your arms. As soon as this little one moves, place toys onto another side so that they may move from point a to point b.
You can also encourage crawling by placing toys or other fun things on a short ledge within the baby’s reach. This will tempt the baby just enough so they’ll want to get up and explore. But don’t worry: they don’t need to start crawling immediately.
As long as the kid has been making a crawling milestone with all limbs, then this process will take care of itself in due course.
What should you do to ensure safety when your babies start crawling?

As babies start crawling, you might be surprised at how soon they’ll be able to move fast. Keep them safe with these tips:
Ensure they're dressed for movement
If you’re planning on being part of your baby’s crawling stage altogether, they must have comfy leggings or stretchy pants. This will help them maintain their energy levels and avoid painful rug burns and scratches from the ground during belly crawling.
Childproof your house
Keep your baby safe by clearing away any potential hazards in their path. Stay close and monitor what they are doing at all times, and be prepared with childproofing measures for when children start moving around more freely. Childproofing your house also means you will be implementing disease control.
Help the baby learn how to master the stairs
Many houses have a staircase that is great for children. It’s essential, however, to keep in mind the dangers of climbing up and down the stairs correctly so their safety can be maintained at all times.
Make sure you gate off both top and bottom steps with an obstacle course gym toy or similar object. This way, kids will know how to climb safely while also learning movement skills. Stairs safety is important, especially if the baby begins with a backward crawl.
Allow your little one to crawl up until achieving upward mobility and other motor skills so that soon enough, you’ll work on safer strategies for going down.
The baby will have an area where she can practice climbing. You should stay nearby while doing this, but it won’t be too far away from you if the child falls.
Now that your baby can crawl, you’ll need to teach them how to get down on their belly and stay safe. Start by making sure they are in a low position with both feet touching the ground.
Then point them towards something solid like furniture or walls, so there’s no chance of developmental delays. Before mastering this skill, it may take some time, but it will keep them out of most accidents.
Teach them not to climb on furniture

You know that certain places in your home are off-limits, right? The coffee table and shelf are some of them. You can always see it from the living room, so they might think it’s safe to climb there even though you have warned them time after again not to.
But if, for some reason, this doesn’t work, make sure those heavy pieces aren’t attached just yet by propping them up against a wall.
What do you do if your baby isn't crawling yet?
If your baby is late to crawl, this isn’t a source of concern. However, suppose they’re also behind in other developmental areas such as language or social interactions and don’t use both sides equally well. In that case, it may need early intervention by visiting the doctor.
The key to getting your baby to start walking is not when they first take their steps. The perfect timing for this depends on the individual child, and the skills developed beforehand.
In general, though, we can say that if babies know how to carry themselves while crawling around, then chances should be good; they’re learning one step at a time.
When is the baby supposed to sit up?

The first time you see your baby take a breath and hold his head up, it’s a fantastic moment. He has reached another developmental milestone. As children grow stronger in those early days of infancy, they can push themselves into a sitting position by lying on their stomachs – often around two months old or so.
Four months is the cutoff for when babies can hold their heads steady without needing support, and at six months, they start to sit with some help. By age nine months up, most crawling babies are non-disabled enough that you won’t need any more assistance in getting them into position.
However, if your little one isn’t yet capable of sitting unaided, then don’t give up. Tummy time helps strengthen neck muscles necessary once your baby starts trying higher levels of playtime activities like crawling or walking around outside.
When do babies start rolling over?

From four months old, your baby will start to roll over. They may rock from side to side or turn their whole body around, so they are now face down with both arms above their head before rolling back again.
It’s not uncommon for these movements to get slower as time goes on – some babies take a couple of weeks, whereas others only need a month or so. All babies crawl differently, and that’s the beauty of it all.
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