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Japanese Boy Names: Which are The Most Popular?

Hey there, mama-to-be! So, you’re hunting for a cool, one-of-a-kind name for your little boy? Well, you’ve just hit the jackpot! Japanese boy names are like a treasure chest of awesomeness – they’re unique, packed with meaning, and let’s face it, they sound pretty darn cool.

Imagine giving your son an adorable name with an amazing story behind it. Maybe something that means “dragon” or “brave warrior”—how cool is that? In this guide, we’re exploring over 100 Japanese boy names that’ll make your little one stand out in the best way possible. 

Whether you’re looking for something that rolls off the tongue easily or a conversation starter, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s find that perfect name that’ll have everyone asking, “Wow, what does that mean?” 

Ready to give your baby boy a name as unique as he is? 

Let’s jump in!

Table of Contents

111 Japanese Boy Names Explained by Meaning

111 Japanese Boy Names Explained by Meaning
Image credit: Pixabay

Popular Japanese Boy Names

  1. Hiroshi (ひろし) – Meaning: “generous, tolerant”

   Pronunciation: hee-roh-shee

  1. Takashi (たかし) – Meaning: “noble, prosperous”

   Pronunciation: tah-kah-shee

  1. Akira (あきら) – Meaning: “bright, clear”

   Pronunciation: ah-kee-rah

  1. Kenji (けんじ) – Meaning: “intelligent second son”

   Pronunciation: ken-jee

  1. Yuki (ゆうき) – Meaning: “courage, snow”

   Pronunciation: yoo-kee

Traditional Japanese Boy Names

  1. Ichiro (いちろう) – Meaning: “first son”

   Pronunciation: ee-chee-roh

  1. Jiro (じろう) – Meaning: “second son”

   Pronunciation: jee-roh

  1. Saburo (さぶろう) – Meaning: “third son”

   Pronunciation: sah-boo-roh

  1. Taro (たろう) – Meaning: “first-born male”

   Pronunciation: tah-roh

  1. Goro (ごろう) – Meaning: “fifth son”

Pronunciation: goh-roh

Remember, when choosing a Japanese name, it’s important to consider its meaning and cultural significance. If you need more inspiration, I recommend checking out the book Japanese Names: A Crash Course on Learning Japanese First and Last Names, available on Amazon.

Our Pick
Japanese Names: A Crash Course on Learning Japanese First and Last Names

Designed for language enthusiasts and culture explorers alike, this book dives into the 100 most common family names and over a hundred given names, complete with their kanji and readings. Master the fundamentals to enhance your understanding of Japanese media, literature, and social interactions.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

Now let’s delve into some unique and modern options. Shall we?

Unique Japanese Boy Names

  1. Haru (はる) – Meaning: “spring”

Pronunciation: hah-roo

  1. Riku (りく) – Meaning: “land, shore”

Pronunciation: ree-koo

  1. Sora (そら) – Meaning: “sky”

Pronunciation: soh-rah

  1. Yuto (ゆうと) – Meaning: “gentle, distant”

Pronunciation: yoo-toh

  1. Minato (みなと) – Meaning: “harbor”

Pronunciation: mee-nah-toh

Modern Japanese Boy Names

  1. Haruki (はるき) – Meaning: “spring tree”

Pronunciation: hah-roo-kee

  1. Ren (レン) – Meaning: “lotus”

Pronunciation: ren

  1. Kai (カイ) – Meaning: “sea”

Pronunciation: kai

  1. Aoi (あおい) – Meaning: “blue, green”

Pronunciation: ah-oh-ee

  1. Sota (そうた) – Meaning: “sudden, thick”

Pronunciation: soh-tah

  1. Haruto (はると) – Meaning: “sun, flying”

Pronunciation: hah-roo-toh

  1. Soma (そうま) – Meaning: “running horse”

Pronunciation: soh-mah

  1. Itsuki (いつき) – Meaning: “tree”

Pronunciation: ee-tsoo-kee

  1. Asahi (あさひ) – Meaning: “morning sun”

Pronunciation: ah-sah-hee

  1. Hinata (ひなた) – Meaning: “sunny place”

Pronunciation: hee-nah-tah

Nature-Inspired Names

  1. Kaede (かえで) – Meaning: “maple”

Pronunciation: kah-eh-deh

  1. Tsubasa (つばさ) – Meaning: “wings”

Pronunciation: tsoo-bah-sah

  1. Hayato (はやと) – Meaning: “falcon person”

Pronunciation: hah-yah-toh

  1. Umi (うみ) – Meaning: “sea”

Pronunciation: oo-mee

  1. Takara (たから) – Meaning: “treasure”

Pronunciation: tah-kah-rah

  1. Hibiki (ひびき) – Meaning: “echo”

Pronunciation: hee-bee-kee

  1. Kohaku (こはく) – Meaning: “amber”

Pronunciation: koh-hah-koo

Japanese boy names often draw inspiration from nature, seasons, and desirable qualities. When choosing a name, consider its meaning and how it resonates with your family’s values.

In the next section, we’ll explore Japanese boy names related to strength and courage.

Strong and Courageous Japanese Boy Names

baby lying beside a beige knitted hat with a patch that reads "MUSIC" and features a graphic of headphones
Image credit: yiki87515 / Pixabay
  1. Takeshi (たけし) – Meaning: “brave, warrior”

Pronunciation: tah-keh-shee

  1. Isamu (いさむ) – Meaning: “courage, bravery”

Pronunciation: ee-sah-moo

  1. Ken (けん) – Meaning: “strong, healthy”

Pronunciation: ken

  1. Yuuki (ゆうき) – Meaning: “courage, bravery”

Pronunciation: yoo-kee

  1. Daichi (だいち) – Meaning: “great land, great wisdom”

Pronunciation: dai-chee

Intellectual Names

  1. Satoshi (さとし) – Meaning: “wise, clear-thinking”

Pronunciation: sah-toh-shee

  1. Taishi (ひであき) – Meaning: “excellent brightness”

Pronunciation: hee-deh-ah-kee

  1. Noboru (のぼる) – Meaning: “ascend, rise”

Pronunciation: noh-boh-roo

  1. Masaru (まさる) – Meaning: “victory, excellence”

Pronunciation: mah-sah-roo

Japanese Boy Names Meaning Peace

  1. Yasuhiro (やすひろ) – Meaning: “peaceful and prosperous”

Pronunciation: yah-soo-hee-roh

  1. Yasu (やす) – Meaning: “peaceful”

Pronunciation: yah-soo

  1. Naoki (なおき) – Meaning: “docile tree”

Pronunciation: nah-oh-kee

  1. Shizuka (しずか) – Meaning: “quiet, calm”

Pronunciation: shee-zoo-kah

Historical and Legendary Japanese Names

  1. Hirohito (ひろひと) – Meaning: “abundant benevolence”

Pronunciation: hee-roh-hee-toh

  1. Nobunaga (のぶなが) – Meaning: “trust, long”

Pronunciation: noh-boo-nah-gah

  1. Musashi (むさし) – Meaning: “warrior”

Pronunciation: moo-sah-shee

  1. Kenshin (けんしん) – Meaning: “modest truth”

Pronunciation: ken-sheen

  1. Ieyasu (いえやす) – Meaning: “house safety”

Pronunciation: ee-eh-yah-soo

First Names That Bring Good Fortune

  1. Kaito (かいと) – Meaning: “sea, ocean” + “soar”

Pronunciation: kai-toh

  1. Hideki (ひでき) – Meaning: “excellence, opportunity”

Pronunciation: hee-deh-kee

  1. Mamoru (まもる) – Meaning: “protect, guard”

Pronunciation: mah-moh-roo

  1. Kazuki (かずき) – Meaning: “harmonious hope”

Pronunciation: kah-zoo-kee

Japanese boy names often reflect desirable qualities and aspirations for the child. Names associated with strength, intelligence, and peace are popular for boys.

In the next section, we’ll explore Japanese boy names inspired by elements, but if you want to dive deeper into Japanese culture (and if you are a Japan lover, like me), you’ll love this book: The Complete Book of Japanese Baby Names: Over 2000 Baby Names from Japan, also in Amazon.

Our Pick
The Complete Book of Japanese Baby Names

This book focuses on providing extensive lists of names, all written in English. It’s a perfect gift for anyone fascinated by Japan or its culture.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

Japanese Boy Names Inspired by Elements

  1. Ryu (りゅう) – Meaning: “dragon”

Pronunciation: ryoo

  1. Hikaru (ひかる) – Meaning: “light”

Pronunciation: hee-kah-roo

Names Meaning Strength or Power

  1. Takeru (たける) – Meaning: “warrior”

Pronunciation: tah-keh-roo

  1. Gou (ごう) – Meaning: “strong”

Pronunciation: goh

  1. Tsuyoshi (つよし) – Meaning: “strong”

Pronunciation: tsoo-yoh-shee

  1. Kenta (けんた) – Meaning: “healthy, strong”

Pronunciation: ken-tah

Japanese Boy Names with Virtuous Meanings

  1. Makoto (まこと) – Meaning: “sincerity”

Pronunciation: mah-koh-toh

  1. Katsu (かつ) – Meaning: “victory”

Pronunciation: kah-tsoo

  1. Junichi (じゅんいち) – Meaning: “obedient first son”

Pronunciation: joo-nee-chee

  1. Shinji (しんじ) – Meaning: “trust”

Pronunciation: sheen-jee

Japanese Names Inspired by Seasons

  1. Aki (あき) – Meaning: “autumn”

Pronunciation: ah-kee

  1. Fuyu (ふゆ) – Meaning: “winter”

Pronunciation: foo-yoo

  1. Natsu (なつ) – Meaning: “summer”

Pronunciation: nah-tsoo

  1. Touki (とうき) – Meaning: “winter season”

Pronunciation: toh-kee

Japanese Boy Names Meaning Light or Brightness

  1. Hikari (ひかり) – Meaning: “light”

Pronunciation: hee-kah-ree

  1. Kouji (こうじ) – Meaning: “light second son”

Pronunciation: koh-jee

  1. Teruo (てるお) – Meaning: “shining man”

Pronunciation: teh-roo-oh

Japanese Names Associated with Water

  1. Mizuki (みずき) – Meaning: “beautiful moon, water tree”

Pronunciation: mee-zoo-kee

  1. Nami (なみ) – Meaning: “wave”

Pronunciation: nah-mee

  1. Mizu (みず) – Meaning: “water”

Pronunciation: mee-zoo

Japanese Names Meaning Peace

  1. Yasuo (やすお) – Meaning: “peaceful man”

Pronunciation: yah-soo-oh

  1. Nozomu (のぞむ) – Meaning: “hope, wish”

Pronunciation: noh-zoh-moo

  1. Anzen (あんぜん) – Meaning: “safe, peaceful”

Pronunciation: ahn-zen

Japanese Boy Names Meaning Intelligence

  1. Keiichi (けいいち) – Meaning: “respectful first son”

Pronunciation: keh-ee-chee

  1. Tomo (とも) – Meaning: “wisdom, intellect”

Pronunciation: toh-moh

  1. Chiaki (ちあき) – Meaning: “thousand bright”

  Pronunciation: chee-ah-kee

Japanese Boy Names Related to Honor

  1. Kiyoshi (きよし) – Meaning: “pure, clean”

  Pronunciation: kee-yoh-shee

  1. Kenshi (けんし) – Meaning: “swordsman, fencer”

  Pronunciation: ken-shee

  1. Tadashi (ただし) – Meaning: “correct, righteous”

  Pronunciation: tah-dah-shee

Names Meaning Love or Kindness

adorable Japanese child with red striped hat lying on a bed with his teddy bear
Image credit: dinhnguyenungdung0 / Pixabay
  1. Aito (あいと) – Meaning: “love, affection” + “person”

  Pronunciation: ai-toh

  1. Yasushi (やすし) – Meaning: “peaceful, gentle”

  Pronunciation: yah-soo-shee

  1. Keitaro (けいたろう) – Meaning: “blessed, joyous son”

  Pronunciation: keh-ee-tah-roh

Japanese Boy Names Related to Nature

  1. Raiden (らいでん) – Meaning: “thunder and lightning”

  Pronunciation: rai-den

Japanese Boy Names Meaning Strength or Power

  1. Ryota (りょうた) – Meaning: “stout, strong”

  Pronunciation: ryoh-tah

Japanese Boy Names Inspired by Dreams and Aspirations

  1. Yume (ゆめ) – Meaning: “dream”

  Pronunciation: yoo-meh

  1. Kibou (きぼう) – Meaning: “hope”

  Pronunciation: kee-boh

  1. Akio (あきお) – Meaning: “glorious hero”

  Pronunciation: ah-kee-oh

Japanese Boy Names Related to Prosperity

  1. Daiki (だいき) – Meaning: “great noble”

  Pronunciation: dai-kee

  1. Kouki (こうき) – Meaning: “light, shine”

  Pronunciation: koh-kee

  1. Masaki (まさき) – Meaning: “flourishing tree”

  Pronunciation: mah-sah-kee

  1. Nobuyuki (のぶゆき) – Meaning: “noble happiness”

  Pronunciation: noh-boo-yoo-kee

Japanese Boy Names Meaning Joy or Happiness

  1. Hiroki (ひろき) – Meaning: “abundant joy”

  Pronunciation: hee-roh-kee

  1. Yorokobi (よろこび) – Meaning: “joy”

  Pronunciation: yoh-roh-koh-bee

  1. Kichirou (きちろう) – Meaning: “lucky son”

  Pronunciation: kee-chee-roh

Names Meaning Bravery or Heroism

  1. Yuuto (ゆうと) – Meaning: “gentle, heroic”

  Pronunciation: yoo-toh

  1. Eiji (えいじ) – Meaning: “great second son”

  Pronunciation: eh-ee-jee

  1. Kenichi (けんいち) – Meaning: “strong first son”

  Pronunciation: ken-ee-chee

  1. Takahiro (たかひろ) – Meaning: “nobly prosperous”

  Pronunciation: tah-kah-hee-roh

Names Associated with Wisdom

  1. Toshio (としお) – Meaning: “genius man”

  Pronunciation: toh-shee-oh

  1. Yoshi (よし) – Meaning: “good, lucky”

  Pronunciation: yoh-shee

Nature-Inspired Names

  1. Shun (しゅん) – Meaning: “excellence, speed”

  Pronunciation: shoon

  1. Yutaka (ゆたか) – Meaning: “abundant, prosperous”

  Pronunciation: yoo-tah-kah

  1. Minoru (みのる) – Meaning: “truth, harvest”

  Pronunciation: mee-noh-roo

  1. Rikuto (りくと) – Meaning: “land, person”

Pronunciation: ree-koo-toh

  1. Kazuya (かずや) – Meaning: “harmonious arrow”

 Pronunciation: kah-zoo-yah

  1. Michio (みちお) – Meaning: “man of the road” or “man of the way”

 Pronunciation: mee-chee-oh

  1. Shunji (しゅんじ) – Meaning: “obedient, spring”

Pronunciation: shoon-jee

How To Choose Japanese Boy Names

a newborn baby peacefully sleeps, wrapped in a soft white knitted blanket
Image credit: HuyNgan / Pixabay

Thinking about a Japanese name for your little boy? That’s awesome! Choosing a Japanese name can be a fun adventure, but it’s also a bit of a puzzle.

Here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Consider the meaning: Japanese names often have beautiful, deep meanings. Want your son to be brave? How about “Yuuki”? Looking for peace? “Yasuhiro” might be perfect!
  2. Think about pronunciation: Make sure you (and others) can pronounce it easily. Names like “Ken” or “Haru” are pretty straightforward.
  3. Keep in mind cultural significance: Some names have strong cultural ties. “Hirohito,” for example, was an emperor’s name. It’s good to know these connections!
  4. Consider your family heritage: If you have Japanese roots, you might want to honor a family member or tradition.
  5. Check the sound in your language: Make sure the name doesn’t sound odd or mean something unintended in your native language.
  6.  Future-proof it: Consider how the name might suit your child as they grow up. Will “Chibi” (little one) still fit when he’s 30?

Remember, there’s no perfect formula. Choose a name that feels right to you and has a meaning you love. Your little boy will make it special no matter what!


Well, future mama, we’ve been on quite the journey through the world of Japanese boy names, haven’t we? From cool and unique monikers to names steeped in tradition, you now have a treasure trove of options for your little man.

Remember, choosing a name is personal, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Maybe you fell in love with a name that means “dragon” or “peaceful warrior.” Or perhaps you found the perfect combination of sounds that just clicked for you. Whatever name caught your eye (or ear), trust your instincts—you know your baby best, even before he arrives!

Don’t stress if you haven’t found “the one” yet. Sometimes, the perfect name doesn’t hit you until you hold your baby. And hey, you’ve got plenty of time to mull it over (between nursery decorating and daydreaming about those tiny toes, of course).

Whether you choose a traditional Japanese name or a modern twist, you’re giving your son a gift that’ll last a lifetime—a name that’s not just unique but also meaningful. How cool is that?

So, take a deep breath, mama. You’ve got this! And no matter what name you choose, we know one thing for sure – it’ll be perfect because it’s his. Here’s to your little boy and the amazing journey ahead. 

Kanpai (Cheers) to you and your growing family!

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