Do you have a baby at home and need help burping them? Are you worried about handling the gas and stomach issues that often come with newborns?
You’re not alone. This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about how to burp a baby.
We’ll discuss the different burping methods and how to troubleshoot any problems that might arise. Read on and learn how to make your baby’s tummy feel better.
Steps on How to Burp a Baby the Right Way
Bottle feeding a baby requires that you burp your baby. Once your baby spits, you can then establish your baby’s feeding routine with burping. Breastfed babies also need a routine.
Before you begin burping your little one, make sure you have everything ready. Prepare a burp cloth or a towel to help protect yourself and the baby’s clothes from spit-ups. Below are the steps for how to burp a baby properly:
- Start by cradling the baby in your arms and holding them close, with their head resting on your shoulder. Ensure the baby’s chin is supported, so it does not press down on the chest. This is a very important step as it helps keep the airways of the baby open.
- Gently pat or rub your baby’s back in a circular motion, starting from the bottom and working your way up to the neck. This will help move any trapped air bubbles through their system. You can also do a lap sit, keeping your baby upright and ensuring that your baby’s legs are straight and comfortable.
- If needed, gently rock or sway them to help keep the trapped air moving. This will help the air bubbles break apart and make it easier for your baby to burp. Make sure that you put a cloth just where your baby’s mouth is so that breast milk or powdered milk that comes up as spit-up won’t make you dirty.
- Make sure to keep the baby upright while you’re burping them, as this will help prevent any spit-up from entering their airways. Any spit-up entering their airways can be dangerous and cause choking. A sleeping baby would be more comfortable if they are burped before sleeping.
- Give your baby some time to burp, at least a few minutes per session. If they don’t burp after this period of time, try again in a few hours.
- Once the baby has successfully burped, sit them upright and gently rub their back until they are calm again.
These steps should help you understand how to burp a baby properly and ensure your little one is as comfortable as possible. With some practice, you will be an expert in no time!
If the steps above do not seem to work, consult your pediatrician for further advice on how to burp a baby. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that not all babies need burping, so follow the advice of your pediatrician if needed. This way, you save yourself some time and help keep your baby safe and comfortable.
By following these steps, you can help ensure that your little one is properly burped and comfortable. With the right technique, burping a baby can be quick and easy.
Why Is It Necessary to Burp a Baby?

Babies can’t burp on their own yet, so burping them is essential to get rid of the air trapped in their stomachs. The reason why babies can’t burp on their own is that they haven’t developed the muscles responsible for burping yet. As a result, they need help to get rid of the trapped air in their stomachs.
When a baby swallows air during feeding, it can gather in the stomach and cause discomfort, making them feel full very quickly. This can lead to less efficient feedings. Plus, your baby might feel fussy or gassy due to this air buildup.
Some of the risks of not burping your baby include the following:
1. Spit-up
If the baby is not burped, the air trapped in their stomach can cause them to spit up more often. This will make the baby uncomfortable and irritable.
2. Colic
Colic is a condition where a baby experiences abdominal pain and usually cries more than usual due to this discomfort. Not burping the baby can increase their chances of developing colic.
3. Gas Pains
If your baby has gas pains, they may be due to the air that was swallowed but not burped. This can cause a lot of discomfort for your little one and make them fussy.
4. Poor Weight Gain
If your baby isn’t burped, it might be more likely to experience poor weight gain due to the air buildup. This can be concerning and can lead to other medical issues.
When Should You Burp Your Baby?
It is recommended to burp your baby after every 2–3 ounces of formula or breastmilk they consume. This will help eliminate the air that was swallowed during the feeding and make them more comfortable afterward.
It is also important to burp your baby halfway through a feeding and at the end of each session. Burping your baby is especially important if they are fussy or seem uncomfortable during or after a feeding.
If you feel your baby still needs to be burped after they have finished feeding, try positioning them over your shoulder and gently patting their back until they let out a burp. Then, you can place them back in the feeding position.
What Is the Easiest Way to Burp a Baby?

There are several ways to burp a baby, and each one is just as effective as the next. However, some methods are easier than others, depending on how comfortable you and your baby feel with them. Here are some positions to make burping easier for your baby:
Hold Them Vertical And Upright
One of the most popular ways to burp a baby is by placing them in a vertical position. This can be done on your shoulder or by holding your baby upright on your lap. Then, you should gently pat their back until they burp. If your baby is having difficulty releasing the air bubbles, you can try rubbing their back in a circular motion or rubbing their chest.
Seated And Straddled On Your Lap
Another easy way to burp a baby is by placing them in a seated, straddled position. This is done by placing them on your lap so their legs are spread apart and their belly is facing up. Then, you can gently pat their back until they let out a burp.
Lay Them Face-Down
A third method to burp a baby is by laying them face-down over your legs or a pillow. This allows gravity to help the air bubbles travel up and out of your baby’s body. You will want to support their head while gently rubbing or patting their back.
Place Them In Reclined Position
Finally, one of the simplest ways to burp a baby is by placing them in a reclined position on your lap and allowing gravity to help release the air bubbles. You can use one hand to support your baby’s head and the other to pat their back until they make a burp sound.
No matter how you burp your baby, it is important to remember that brisk yet gentle movements are best. If your baby seems uncomfortable with any of these techniques, try something else or take a break and try again later. Burping your baby should not be a difficult process, and with a little patience, you can get the job done in no time.
Whatever method you choose to burp your baby, make sure it is comfortable for both them and you. With some practice, you will soon become a pro at burping a baby.
What Will Happen If a Baby Doesn’t Get to Burp After Meals?
Since a baby’s digestive system is still developing, they must get to burp after a feeding. Without this release of gas, the build-up in the digestive tract can cause discomfort and pain. In some cases, an unburdened baby may be unable to sleep or eat properly due to an upset stomach or indigestion.
If a baby experiences these symptoms, consider burping them more often before and after a feeding. You can always use a burping pad or cloth to protect your clothing and the baby’s outfit while performing this task.
If you feel like you aren’t getting anywhere, try to change the way you hold your baby, as it can help release trapped gas bubbles.
Other ways to soothe a baby and get them comfortable enough for burping is by gently rubbing or patting their back, holding them upright in different positions, or taking them for a walk around the house. Make sure you have a secure hold on your baby during this time, as burping them can be difficult.
Once you’ve achieved the desired result and it’s time to put the baby back down, ensure that their head is still slightly elevated to prevent any air from entering their esophagus. This way, they won’t suffer pain or discomfort from gas build-up.
How Many Burps Should a Baby Have Each Day?
The number of burps your baby needs varies depending on how much they eat, how easily they digest, and how active they are. Most babies need at least two or three burps after every feeding. If your baby is prone to gas or reflux, it might be helpful to burp them more frequently throughout the day.
However, you need to ensure you’re not over-burping your baby. If burping becomes too frequent, it can lead to unnecessary discomfort for the baby and cause them to swallow air, which could result in more gas and abdominal pain.
How Do I Know When My Baby Needs to Be Burped?
Typically, you’ll know when your baby needs to be burped when they become fussy or show signs of discomfort after eating. Additionally, babies often start to gag, squirm, pull away from the bottle or breast, and arch their backs, all of which are indicators that your baby needs to be burped.
Your baby might also begin to cry during or after a feeding, which can be a sign of air bubbles in the stomach causing discomfort. Some babies may even spit up milk when they have an excessive amount of gas.
Some signs that tell that your baby has an excessive amount of gas in their tummy include passing gas, diarrhea, and vomiting. It’s important to burp your baby often if they’re exhibiting any of these signs.
If you notice that your baby is crying more than usual and isn’t calming down after a feeding, burping them could be the answer. However, it’s still better to be safe than sorry, so it’s best to burp your baby every 2-3 ounces of feeding.
Common Mistakes That Parents Make When Burping a Baby

Unfortunately, many parents make common mistakes when burping their baby. These are:
- Not supporting the baby’s head and neck properly (may cause choking and injury)
- Not patting or rubbing the back in a circular motion to aid release of trapped air bubbles
- Burping the baby forcefully (may be uncomfortable and cause vomiting)
- Overburping the baby (can lead to excessive gas and discomfort)
- Burping before or after feeding, rather than during feedings (can cause babies to swallow air)
By following the steps outlined in this guide, parents can ensure they are burping their baby safely and effectively while avoiding any potential mishaps or accidents.
When Should You See a Doctor?
There is no denying that burping a baby can be difficult, and if you’re having trouble doing it or think your baby may need help, make sure to see a doctor. A doctor can evaluate how much burping your baby needs and how frequently to do it.
They may also suggest additional techniques to make burping easier for you. Additionally, if your baby is displaying any signs of discomfort or distress, such as crying frequently during burping, contact your doctor right away.
In some cases, it may be necessary for the doctor to examine your baby more closely to determine if there are underlying issues. This could include a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If GERD is present, the doctor may prescribe medications or suggest lifestyle changes to help alleviate your baby’s discomfort.
It is also important to see a doctor if you have any questions about how often and how much burping your baby needs. Keeping your baby comfortable during feedings will help them get the most out of them.
So if you’re having trouble burping your baby or have any concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. The right doctor can provide invaluable advice and support that can make all the difference in how easy it is to burp your baby.
Wrapping Up
Burping a baby is easy enough if you know how to do it correctly. Make sure you use a gentle touch and hold your baby close in an upright position, either against your chest or supported by your arm.
There are two main burping positions: across the lap and on the shoulder. Experiment with both of them until you find one that works for you and your little one.
Remember to be patient with your baby, as not all babies will burp on command. In the meantime, enjoy the time spent cuddling and bonding with your newborn!
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